is enough.


Our mission is to help build a truly democratic, egalitarian, multi-cultural city.

A place where the hard work of building a just society isn’t dismissed as “blaming and shaming.” A city where our concern for the safety of our family members isn’t minimized as “events that are happening a world away.”

We envision a Toronto where citizens are free to speak their minds without police harassment and violence; where diversity of opinion is welcome but where facists and genocide-promoters feel uncomfortable spouting their hate. A Toronto that prizes people over property and justice over comfort.

We will continue to stand up peacefully for Palestine in the face of increased violence from the Toronto Police and the silence from those who claim to represent us.

Enough is enough.

Ceasefire Now.

Two-Way Arms Embargo Now.

Toronto says:

Enough is enough.

Enough of being complicit
in genocide and ethnic cleansing.

That is not the Toronto we want to be.

Join us
and find events

Toronto Events for Palestine

Social Media Resources

Palestinian Youth Movement Toronto IG

Jews Say No To Genocide IG Twitter

World Beyond War Toronto IG Twitter

SURJ Toronto IG Twitter Web

Labour for Palestine IG Twitter